Husne Aslantas

I faced conflicts at home due to cultural values; while I was encouraged to express my thoughts at school, doing so at home was seen as disrespectful to my father and “I was not to have a voice”.

In my 20’s, I went to Adelaide with my family and spotted an old print in a shop window that read, “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul”. I have used this phrase and lived by it as a checkpoint for myself since that day.

My family arrived in Australia from Turkey on December 28th, 1973, under the “assisted migration scheme” to seek a better life. We initially lived in a rundown house in Abbotsford and faced many challenges, including cultural differences and financial hardships. Despite these obstacles, I integrated well into school but faced conflicts at home due to differing cultural values.

At 18, I had an arranged marriage and later chose to send my boys to a Catholic school to foster multicultural understanding. I wanted my children to embrace love, respect, compassion, and inclusivity. Professionally, I started as a medical secretary, contributing to the establishment of the first sexual assault unit in Mildura served on boards and helped various community organisations.

At 30, I experienced a spiritual awakening, helping many others navigate similar journeys. After my divorce, I travelled to Vietnam alone, succeeded in real estate, and faced a cancer diagnosis, managing my recovery independently. My journey led my surgeon to suggest writing a book about my unconventional treatment approach. Through the encouragement from my boys, I became an Authorized Marriage Celebrant, creating a unique “Sacred Divine Union Ceremony” alongside the legal ceremony.

I have travelled extensively in search of my identity and voice, all while caring for my parents. Currently, I am being initiated as a “Rainbow Warrior” according to the Native American Hope Prophecy, and am partnering with an Ancient Indigenous Tribe from Colombia to aim in serving as stewards of the Earth, uniting people to live in harmony with nature and each other. My professional services include Energy Healing, Results Coaching, Authorised Marriage Celebrancy, and Sacred Ceremonies

Migration has profoundly impacted my identity, allowing me to embrace other cultures and find my voice. I miss the welcoming nature of Turkish people but maintain connections through social media and community associations. I follow cultural traditions such as fasting for spiritual reasons and prioritizing family.

Supporting new immigrants involves providing language support, employment assistance, access to services, cultural orientation, and community integration. An orientation package in their native language would be beneficial. For those considering migration, thorough preparation, learning English, and utilizing available resources can ease the transition and integration process.