Monica Kalra

For 21 long years, I remained entangled in an abusive marriage, shouldering its weight and enduring pain due to cultural expectations. Fuelled by resilience, I made a life-altering choice—to pursue a divorce in a culture where divorce is stigmatised and challenges family honour, my decision became a fearless reality. This is my empowered journey—a story challenging norms and celebrating the courage to break free.

In 2007, my family embarked on a journey from India to Australia to pursue a better life and broader opportunities. The transition to a new country presents a unique set of challenges that can strain or strengthen relationships, depending on their strength before migration. I was no different.

Settling in Australia, both personally and professionally, came with its difficulties. From using public transport for the first time to securing my initial job, each step came with a steep learning curve. Struggling to balance my 21-year-old unhealthy marriage and the pressures of being in a new country, I eventually applied for a divorce.

Unlike in India, where divorce might have been a distant dream due to its stigma and challenges to family honour, Australia provided the opportunity for a fresh start. Over time, my focus shifted from maintaining traditions to a spiritual perspective.

Australia, for me, became not just a destination but a refuge that nurtured my personal and professional growth despite the challenges of adaptation. In Australia, I discovered the freedom to embrace a new chapter, marking a profound journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

My divorce catalysed me to study relationship skills. This journey led to my qualification as a Relationship Coach, and it inspired me to write a series of books: “How Do You Know He’s The One?” and “How To Heal From A Toxic Relationship.”

This path further paved the way for me to become a mentor and the Founder of Revorce. My mission is to assist professional women of colour, empowering them with skills for nurturing relationships after toxic ones. Recognising the vital role of these skills in family dynamics and the betterment of future generations, I aim to assist professional women of colour in reviving their confidence, reclaiming their power, and resetting emotionally to thrive in future relationships, before and after divorce.